I was tidying up the garden the other day, and had no choice but to pick up my paintbrushes when faced with this handful of poppy seed heads.
I love poppies in all stages, but the seed heads always fascinate me. There is the plant ready to die, and yet at the last moments it casts out hundreds of seeds so the sequence can start all over again in Spring.
I will never be as good an artist as our friend 'Mother Nature' ... but here is my simple painting of her 'Poppy seed heads'.
Hello Ingrid, this is another good one. The shading on the poppies is nice and the composition works well too.
Thank you Keith.:) It was just a doodle that started to take shape and I liked it. Afterwards I felt I should have taken time to make more of the composition, so thanks for that.
Lovely study Ingrid! I always get side tracked too when I'm doing anything - but I'm glad you took time off from gardening to do this :)
Yes, the seed heads can be so pretty, I like the star-shaped bit on the top.
Lovely painting, you captured them perfectly!
I wanted to comment on this when I first saw it but got sidetracked. This is so typical of your style and I can't say enough as to how much I like it..
I'm not one to tell another what to do,, but really girl, you need to be painting more. !!!!
hugs, BJ
Hi Michael .. great to see someone else who gets side tracked. I am so guilty of wanting and trying to do a hundred things at once ... apart from when I am painting. Painting is something that consumes me totally. Glad you like my poppy heads ... thank you! :)
Thank you for stopping by Rolina, and leaving such lovely comments.:) I did a similar study of the poppy heads last night, this time in their withered state. I love Poppies at all stages in their short life, but love the colour and character of the withered poppy head. :)
Big hugs BJ!! I hear what you say and I intend to paint lots more. I was in a little village at the end of Loch Tay last month and came across a huge garden with the most amazing poppies. A little old lady was in the garden and I asked if she would mind me taking some photos. I intend to do a painting and take it back to her as a thank you.
Thank you so much my friends, you all inspire me! :))
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