We will be at home with our children. There will be lots of chatter, lots of laughter and lots of food! Everyone makes something towards the meal and usually my daughters leave with 'doggy bags'.
May I also wish for each of you health and happiness in the coming year! Slainte!
Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear to you, Ingrid!
Gorgeous robin!
A very merry Christmas to you and yours xx
Happy Christmas to you and Iain, Ingrid.
Keith and Elaine.
And a "Merry Christmas" to you too Keith. Thank you for your Christmas card, it's beautiful! :))
Keith's email was closer to the top in my Inbox Pat so I opened it first! :))
Thank you Pat. I like to do a Robin at Christmas as my Granddaughter is called Robyn. "Merry Christmas" to you and your family Pat! ~X~
Ingrid , A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy it all !
hugs BJ
Oh my goodness Judy I am doing everything upside down today, which just about sums me up these days. Rushing around here and there, to-ing and fro-ing.
Many thanks for your good wishes Judy and may I will you and yours a very "Merry Christmas" and every blessing in 2012! :)
Thank you BJ. I hope you have a lovely Christmas in the sunshine. I WILL be thinking of you and remembering the wonderful Florida sunshine I love so much. "Merry Christmas BJ" ... lots of hugs! :)
Your Xmas sounds heavenly Ingrid, and I love the Robin. Merry Xmas to you, Iain and all your family. ;-)
This is so beautiful. Love it very much. Also your other paintings are marvelous.
Lovely greet
I won't say I hope you had a good Christmas John as I know you and the family were poorly. Glad you are much better now and I look forward to sharing 2012 with you! :)
Thank you for your lovely comment Marja. I wish you and yours all the very best for 2012!
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