Thursday, 20 October 2011

'Lioness' in Watercolour

There was something about this majestic lady that inspired me to paint her. I just love these big cats ...

Sometimes I fight with myself. I feel I should be doing more landscapes or buildings. I end up feeling frustrated, and all I serve to do is crush my confidence. After reading a thought provoking post by a lovely fellow blogger, I have decided that I am going to paint what I want to do, instead of what I feel I should do.
I never set out to be an impressionist painter, and I didn't think I would paint animals, but this is how I have developed and I am not going to fight the inevitable any longer. This is my style, this is me. I am so happy when I am painting this way, and I would like to say a huge thank you to Sandra!


Pat said...

Gorgeous girl!
So pleased for you that you have accepted your style. I admire lots that are very different to mine, but they're aren't for me to paint in that way. Accepting that helps your art progress xx

Barbra Joan said...

Ingrid, this is fantastic, you just keep on painting the way you do ... the way your comfortable and it sure looks like this is it... hugs BJ

Unknown said...

Beautiful piece Ingrid! I think you're absolutely right to paint what you want. Only then can you paint with conviction and passion. Where there's no will, there's no way :)

Victor Errington said...

Hi Ingrid.
Thats my girl, paint whatever you fancy painting at the time of wanting to paint. This is a lovely job you have done of this lovely Animal. If you can paint like this then there isn`t any worry what you paint. I like your Charley Chaplin also. All the best Ingrid.

Anthony Duce said...

Wonderful painting. The search for our place is part of the challenge. Happy for your discovery.

Keith Tilley said...

Hello Ingrid,

Having followed your artistic progress over the last few years, I can honestly say that your recent work shows so much more confidence. You really seem to have found your style and subject matter.

There will be no harm in doing the occasional landscape, but I think you should accept that animals, and maybe even portraits of people, are where your heart lies.

Sandra Busby said...

Wow, Ingrid, I am so glad that you feel this way about your art! I'm not saying that it isn't good to try new subjects because it is, but I think it only works when you really feel like it. You should never feel pressured. My work is only good when there is no pressure behind it. I think that most Artists tend to stick within their comfort zone when they have found out what that is. I have to say though that your Charlie Chaplin is fantastic and is clear proof that you are compitent in other subjects too! So you just carry on painting how and what you like, because it's working :0)

John (JWJarts) said...

Another cracker. And as far as the rest of your post is concerned .... proud of ya. ;-)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Hi Pat ... I think confidence is probably my biggest problem, but that is coming, and you are all helping me more than you realise. Thanks for stopping by! :) xx

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Yes, I am very comfortable doing animals BJ ... it feels so right. Hope you are feeling better now, been thinking of you. Thank you for your support ... big hugs to you too! :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Thanks Michael :) ... I am a Scorpio and Art is my passion. I can't imagine anyone who picks up a brush not feeling the way I do. Hope you will be getting outdoors painting this weekend! :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Thank you Vic ... I so agree with what you say, and I'm delighted you like my painting. Good to see you. :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Very happy you like my painting Tony, thank you. It certainly is an exciting journey, one I wouldn't have missed for the world! I'm looking forward to today's challenge. :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

You have been a constant support to me over the years Keith, thank you. Maybe I need to take a leaf out of your book and head to the hills with my paints ... there are some beautiful colours out there at the moment. tc :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Great to see you Sandra, and thank you. I think my best paintings are the spontaneous ones. I got out of bed the other day picked up my brushes and painted this lioness whilst in my pj's. I didn't stop to think, I just did it ... and all before breakfast. Charlie Chaplin was the same, he was painted one early morning. I guess that is my best time for painting. Like you, I have always wanted my own style to develop naturally, the reason I choose not to have lessons. I know where I am going and I love the path I am following. Great to have you all with me. :)

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Thanks J. :)) You have been with me since day one. I couldn't have done it without you ...

Samantha said...

I was fast forwarding through your paintings as you just joined my blog and was Instantly drawn to the animals.Then I read your post and was surprised by what you wrote. Your strength in paintings shines through with what you are comfortable with!Your animals are fantastic! Looking forward to following along...

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Hello there Samantha, and welcome to my Blog. Thank you for your very kind comments ... I think I need to elaborate on my last post! :))

maría josé said...

Dejate aconsejar por tu corazón y felicitalo de mi parte!!!!
Muchos besos!!!!